Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Blepharitis Symptoms

Blepharitis (pronounced BLEF-ər-EYE-tis) is an ocular disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the eyelid margins. Blepharitis may cause redness of the eyes, itching and irritation of the gritty sensation that may occur, however lubricating drops do little to improve the condition. –Wikipedia

Symptoms of Blepharitis:

• Eyelids have the following symptoms:
o Crusty
o Reddened
o Swollen
o Itching
o Burning
• Blinking causes a granular sensation (like sand or dust in the eye) .
• Loss of eyelashes may occur.


  1. Both cases, nonetheless, can be viably treated at home with the Blepharitis Natural Treatment. Here are probably the most popular home remedies for blepharitis in people.

  2. The Blepharitis Treatment begins with thorough eye examination to determine the exact cause of the eyelid inflammation.

  3. Blepharitis is normally a chronic condition connecting the inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. Coconut Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile, Honey, Aloe Vera and Potato Slices are the most useful component for Blepharitis Natural Treatment .
